


He will cover you with his feathers,
and under his wings you will find refuge;
his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.

Psalm 91:4

A morning chill had set in the house as we got up and started our day. It wasn’t uncomfortably cold, but there was a cool crispness in the air that only comes with fall. It was just cool enough to put my fuzzy slippers on, grab my sherpa blanket, and cozy up on the couch with my hot cup of coffee. Settling into my cozy spot, I looked up to see Emerson, my two-year-old daughter, sitting on her nap mat on the floor in front of me watching her usual after breakfast cartoons with her usual bowl of after breakfast snacks in front of her (we call this “second breakfast” – she’s a hobbit). Only she wasn’t in fuzzy slippers and sherpa. She sat there, completely content, in only a diaper and the smile on her face.

Now, before you call CPS, know that she was in full defiant two-year-old mode that morning and refused to put back on her warm PJs that she promptly took off as soon as she woke up, or put on the outfit that I had laid out for her that morning. Being near-naked was her idea, as well as a battle I wasn’t willing to fight at 7am before I’d had a drop of coffee.

So when I looked down and saw her sitting there, I grabbed my fuzzy sherpa blanket and, without giving it a second thought, took it to her and covered her up. As I tucked the blanket around her and felt her little arms to see if she was cold, she never even gave me a second glance, her eyes never leaving Cookie Monster gobbling away goofily on the TV.

When I settled back onto the couch sans fuzzy blanket, I had what I can only describe as a “God moment.” You know, one of those slap-in-the-face, holy hush, God reminders that sneak up on you from a little, mundane, seemingly unimportant moment. I realized that this was a beautiful picture of what God does for us:

He sees our need and before we even have a chance to notice it he swoops down and covers us with His blanket of love. All the while, our eyes never have to leave what’s in front of us. 

How many times has God fixed my problems before I even knew they were problems needing fixing? How many times has my path to destruction been misdirected before I even saw what was coming? How many times has he covered me with his wings before I even knew I was cold?

It amazes me how many of these God moments I’ve experienced since becoming a mother. Emery’s pureness, innocence, and unrelenting forgiveness continually remind me of God’s love. I see His love reflected in my own willingness to sacrifice anything for my daughter.

Psalm 91:4 reminds us that He’s got us covered. When difficult circumstances arise, we don’t always see the protection that God is demonstrating because His ways are far above our own. He knows the plans He has for us; “Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future” (Jeremiah 29:11), and He can be trusted.

I gave up my blanket. Jesus gave up his life. I spread it over her little body. Jesus spread His wings of love and died on the cross for us. And after He had died to save us, He rose again and lives today to make sure that we are well taken care of.



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