Arts, Crafts and DIY, Everyday

Winter 2019 Mood Board


About this time last year, I posted my 2018 Winter/Christmas mood board on this blog. I thought it’d be fun to make another one this year and compare the two. What I saw in this comparison is that what I’m into, the current styles, trends, and fashion of that season change over the course of a year, but the magic of Christmas remains the same πŸ™‚

I’m a very visual person, and creating mood boards has always been a fun challenge for me to express what I’m feeling and into at that moment. Looking back, they’re kind of like a fun little time capsule of my life at that time.

Anyway, this may not be interesting or relevant to anyone but me, but here’s what my mood board is all about this Christmastime:

hot, frothy coffee

I recently got myself a milk steamer and frother on Amazon, and I’m officially obsessed with my morning “hug in a cup” as I like to call it. This VAVA milk frother makes the best, creamiest, smoothest froth for my coffee! I think coffee tastes best when drank by the light of a Christmas tree πŸ™‚

creating cozy spaces in our home

Last week, on a wild hair, I decided to redecorate our master bedroom. Just by changing the bedding, adding some more textured throw pillows (too many if you ask my husband), putting up new curtains that filter in warmer light, simplifying the wall decor, and adding a few new decor accents, I really feel like the room has a much softer and cozier vibe than before. Did I mention our new bedding is made of faux fur and sherpa – the epitome of coziness πŸ™‚ speaking of…

faux fur and sherpa

I’m all about the soft, cozy textures this season. Inspired by our dreamy new bedding, I’ve already bought more sherpa sweaters and blankets than we need. But, I love how cuddling up under a soft sherpa blanket can instantly put me in a good mood πŸ™‚

the nativity

Christ should really be in the center of every Christmas mood board, right? This year feels particularly special when it comes to celebrating His birth, because we get to share the nativity story with our two-year-old. Each day, we look at each figure in our nativity set and I tell her about baby Jesus. This daily ritual has become so special to me and has really helped me stay focused on the true meaning of Christmas as well.

gingerbread houses and handmade ornaments

Hazel and I have already had a lot of fun making handmade cinnamon dough ornaments to pass out to family and friends this year. Next up on the Christmas to-do list is gingerbread houses. I think handmade christmas traditions are the best!

bottle brush trees and Christmas villages

After my husband’s grandmother passed last year, my mother-in-law gave me a couple pieces of her prized Christmas village set. I’ve wanted to start collecting pieces to display my own Christmas village, so I was thrilled to have these precious heirlooms to start my collection. I knew I couldn’t display these ceramic pieces in a place where the little one could get her curious hands on them, so I found a great plastic set of Christmas village pieces at the DollarTree that she could help me set up. She has fun rearranging this set almost daily.

I’ve also loved adding bottle brushes to my Christmas decor this year too. I think their rustic simplicity bring such charm to our little Christmas village displays.

handmade jewelry

I know this may seem like an odd addition to this list, but in efforts to shop small this Christmas I have been very drawn to handmade jewelry and accessories. I am particularly loving the oversized hand-stamped leather earrings that are so popular this year.

pom pom hats

I think I’m so into these fuzzy pom pom sock hats this year because I feel like my hair is finally long enough to wear these without making me look like a peanut head – #shorthairprobs πŸ˜› I have found some great deals on super cute warm weather accessories and pom pom hats at H&M and Target this season.



These are some of the things that have brought me joy this winter. Whatever emotions this holiday season brings up for you, I hope that you can find something that brings warmth to your spirit this Christmastime.

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